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匹配条件: “Irene Macera” ,找到相关结果约4484条。
Cosas de escuela: Aproximaciones a la vida cotidiana escolar
Ciencia, docencia y tecnolog?-a , 2011,
Abstract: this paper presents a possible trajectory to think, from a daily and subjective perspective, the ways in which the school again becomes made up as a public space from the constitution of relationships produced by the subjects within it. it constitutes an analitical interpretative route where borders between private and public events seem displaced turning the school image diffused. testimonies collected during the methodological course of the study were registered and situationally analized, confrontated and put into tension within the space of the collective inquiry.
Cosas de escuela. Aproximaciones a la vida cotidiana escolar
Irene Macera
Ciencia, Docencia y Tecnología , 2011,
Abstract: Este artículo presenta, desde una perspectiva cotidiana y subjetiva, un recorrido posible para pensar los modos en que la escuela vuelve a componerse como lugar público desde la construcción de relaciones que producen los sujetos que la habitan. Es un recorrido interpretativo analítico donde se advierten fronteras desplazadas entre los asuntos privados y públicos que hacen de lo escolar una imagen difusa. Se presenta un registro y un análisis situacional acerca de testimonios recogidos durante el proceso metodológico de la investigación en curso, puestos en intercambio y tensión en el "espacio de indagación colectiva" del mismo.
Un estudio de las concepciones docentes acerca de la formación permanente Um estudo das concep es docentes sobre a forma o permanente A Survey of Teachers' Thoughts on Continuing Education
Irene Marina Macera
Educación y Educadores , 2012,
Abstract: Este trabajo presenta las concepciones docentes acerca de su formación permanente. Se identificaron distintos puntos de análisis relacionados con la antigüedad en la profesión, intereses metodológicos, intereses de actualización de conocimientos, intereses de incorporación de nuevos saberes y, por último, el lugar que ocupa la formación en la subjetividad docente. En los inicios de la docencia, la formación permanente funciona y se concibe como un modo de mantenerse activos mientras se insertan en el mercado laboral. En cambio, para los docentes que ya tienen una trayectoria, esta se concibe como una fuga del trabajo, un recurso que en ocasiones le otorga sentido al trabajo, asumiendo de este modo un lugar subjetivo importante en el quehacer docente. Pero, cualquiera que sea la motivación, la adquisición de nuevos saberes es la razón más antigua que los docentes asumen para formarse. Este trabalho apresenta as concep es docentes sobre sua forma o permanente. Identificaram-se diferentes pontos de análise relacionados com a antiguidade na profiss o, interesses metodológicos, interesses de atualiza o de conhecimentos, interesses de incorpora o de novos saberes e, por último, o lugar que a forma o ocupa na subjetividade docente. No início da docência, a forma o permanente funciona e se concebe como um modo de se manterem ativos enquanto se inserem no mercado de trabalho. Em compensa o, para os docentes que já têm uma trajetória, esta se concebe como uma fuga do trabalho, um recurso que em ocasi es outorga sentido ao trabalho e assume, desse modo, um lugar subjetivo importante no fazer docente. Contudo, qualquer que seja a motiva o, a aquisi o de novos saberes é a raz o mais antiga que os docentes assumem para se formar. This study delves into what teachers think about their own continuing education. Different points of analysis are identified with respect to seniority in the profession, methodological interests, interest in updating know-how, interest in incorporating new knowledge and, finally, the place training occupies in the teacher's subjective thinking. At the onset of teaching, continuing education works and is conceived as a way to stay active while entering the job market. In contrast, for teachers who already have a history in the profession, it is viewed as an escape from work or a recourse that occasionally gives meaning to work, thus assuming an important subjective place in the teacher's vocation. Yet, regardless of the motivation, the acquisition of new knowledge is the most enduring reason teachers draw on to further their training
Brothers and Sisters
Daniel Macera Poli,Alessandra Ottazzi
La Mirada de Telemo , 2011,
Orienta??o para o mercado externo: teste de um modelo no Brasil e sua aplica??o a uma amostra de empresas exportadoras brasileiras
Macera, Andrea Pereira;Urdan, André Torres;
Revista de Administra??o Contemporanea , 2004, DOI: 10.1590/S1415-65552004000200006
Abstract: the purpose of this paper is to investigate the export market orientation of a sample of brazilian exporters. the multi-item scale proposed by cadogan et al. (1999) was applied in brazil and its adjustment assessed. the results provided support for: a) reliability (internal consistency of the scale); b) dimensionality (the export market orientation construct has four dimensions); c) convergent validity (high correlations among independent measures of the construct). however, evidence for discriminant validity was partially provided, suggesting that it might exist better measures for the dimensions export intelligence and dissemination. similarly, only partial evidence was provided for nomological validity, that is, the correlation between export market orientation and export performance. despite the limitations of the model, the score of export market orientation was calculated for the brazilian sample. brazilian exporters scored above the average.
State of the Art Review
Alyson Cavanaugh,Caroline A. Macera,John Bellettiere
- , 2017, DOI: 10.1177/1559827615571897
Abstract: Physical activity is an important component of a healthy lifestyle for all adults and especially for older adults. Using information from the updated 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines, 3 dimensions of physical activity are identified for older adults. These include increasing aerobic activity, increasing muscle-strengthening activity, and reducing sedentary or sitting behavior. Although the overall goal of the physical activity recommendations is to prevent chronic diseases and conditions from developing, many older adults are already affected. Therefore, suggested types of physical activity are described for specific diseases and conditions that are designed to mediate the condition or prevent additional disability. Finally, barriers to participation in physical activity specific to older adults are described, and possible solutions offered. Encouraging older adults to continue or even start a physical activity program can result in major health benefits for these individuals
Mangafodipir trisodium: review of its use as an injectable contrast medium for magnetic resonance imaging
Daniele Regge, Stefano Cirillo, Annalisa Macera, Giovanni Galatola
Reports in Medical Imaging , 2009, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/RMI.S4472
Abstract: ngafodipir trisodium: review of its use as an injectable contrast medium for magnetic resonance imaging Review (5356) Total Article Views Authors: Daniele Regge, Stefano Cirillo, Annalisa Macera, Giovanni Galatola Published Date July 2009 Volume 2009:2 Pages 55 - 68 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/RMI.S4472 Daniele Regge,1 Stefano Cirillo,1 Annalisa Macera,1 Giovanni Galatola2 1Radiology Unit, 2Gastroenterology Unit, Institute for Cancer Research and Treatment, Candiolo, Turin, Italy Abstract: Mangafodipir trisodium is a hepatobiliary contrast agent, taken up by the hepatocytes and largely excreted via the bile ducts. The agent increases the signal intensity of the normal liver, and to a lesser extent of the pancreas, adrenal glands, kidneys and myocardium, on T1-weighted imaging. The increase of the signal intensity on the T1 images allows better visualization of focal lesions, especially of those that are of non-hepatocitary origin such as metastases. For this reason the most important indication for the use of mangafodipir trisodium is in detecting liver metastases, especially when the information may influence therapeutic planning, which in many cases is surgical resection. New data show that this liver-specific contrast agent is accurate in detecting small lesions and in assessing the liver status following neoadjuvant chemotherapy, where other imaging techniques, such as CT and PET, fail. Other lesser indications for studies with mangafodipir trisodium are: in characterizing liver and pancreatic lesions; in identifying biliary leakage following bile duct and/or liver surgery; and possibly in the future in the assessment of the extent of myocardial damage.
Profilaxis y tratamiento del reumatismo (enfermedad de Bouillaud) en la infancia
Revista chilena de pediatría , 1942,
Mangafodipir trisodium: review of its use as an injectable contrast medium for magnetic resonance imaging
Daniele Regge,Stefano Cirillo,Annalisa Macera,Giovanni Galatola
Reports in Medical Imaging , 2009,
Abstract: Daniele Regge,1 Stefano Cirillo,1 Annalisa Macera,1 Giovanni Galatola21Radiology Unit, 2Gastroenterology Unit, Institute for Cancer Research and Treatment, Candiolo, Turin, ItalyAbstract: Mangafodipir trisodium is a hepatobiliary contrast agent, taken up by the hepatocytes and largely excreted via the bile ducts. The agent increases the signal intensity of the normal liver, and to a lesser extent of the pancreas, adrenal glands, kidneys and myocardium, on T1-weighted imaging. The increase of the signal intensity on the T1 images allows better visualization of focal lesions, especially of those that are of non-hepatocitary origin such as metastases. For this reason the most important indication for the use of mangafodipir trisodium is in detecting liver metastases, especially when the information may influence therapeutic planning, which in many cases is surgical resection. New data show that this liver-specific contrast agent is accurate in detecting small lesions and in assessing the liver status following neoadjuvant chemotherapy, where other imaging techniques, such as CT and PET, fail. Other lesser indications for studies with mangafodipir trisodium are: in characterizing liver and pancreatic lesions; in identifying biliary leakage following bile duct and/or liver surgery; and possibly in the future in the assessment of the extent of myocardial damage.Keywords: mangafodipir trisodium, magnetic resonance imaging, contrast agent
The role that oilseeds, including new hi-oleic varieties can play in improving the profile of fat intake by the UK population  [PDF]
Janice Irene Harland
Agricultural Sciences (AS) , 2014, DOI: 10.4236/as.2014.53024

The production in the EU of the oilseeds, rapeseed and sunflower, has increased dramatically over the last 20 years. Much of the oil produced after crushing is used for culinary purposes; this enhanced intake of vegetable oil has led to a substantial change of fatty acid (FA) supply. This has been conclusively demonstrated by taking the UK oil supply data and by use of the FA profile of the key oils converting the supply data into a FA profile of the UK market place for 2008-2012. The most marked changes are a reduction in saturated fat (SFA) and an increase in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) available for consumption. Furthermore the introduction of varieties of hi-oleic sunflower oil can further affect the market FA profile. The fat profiles of rapeseed and sunflower oils are considered healthy and they can have a positive impact when included in the diet, particularly as a replacement for oils or fats rich in SFA. In the UK and much of Europe, adult SFA intake continues to exceed recommendations. While reductions in the UK population’s SFA intake have occurred over the last 20 years, these are modest and it may be timely to identify ways in which SFA intake can be further reduced. To do this, the UK market FA supply data has been analysed alongside the profile of FA intake from adults recording their intake in national dietary surveys in order to identify if the market supply affects overall FA consumption. There is an indication that market oil supply is reflected in adults dietary intake of the main groups of FA. Consequently changes made to the oil profile of oilseeds by plant breeders and use of the resulting healthier oils by food manufacturers could have important roles to play in helping adults to achieve the recommended intake of SFA and also improve the overall fat quality in their diet leading to enhanced long-term health and well-being. Thus changes made in pri


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